Wednesday, December 23, 2009

LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health (LGBRIMH)

Application on prescribed format is invited from the citizen of India for filling up the following posts:
Associate Professor: 04 postsEligibility: i) MBBS degree from a recognized University/ Institution(ii) PG degree in the concerned specialty from a recognized University / Institution / MCI or equivalent recognized DNB qualification awarded by N.B.E.5 years as Tutor / Demonstrator / Senior Resident / Register / Lecture after the requisite PG out of which at least 2 years as Assistant Professor.
Assistant Professor: 14 postsEligibility: i) MBBS degree from a recognized University / Institution(ii) PG degree in the concerned specialty from a recognized University / Institution / MCI or equivalent recognized DNB qualification awarded by N.B.E.3 years experience in the concerned specialty as Lecturer / Tutor / Demonstrator/ Senior Resident after the requisite PG degree.Last date: 29th January, 2010For more details Click here