Saturday, December 26, 2009

Bioinformatics National Certification Examination 2010

The Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India has instituted the Bioinformatics National Certification (BINC) Examination with an objective of certifying Bioinformatics professionals and to facilitate industries and potential employers for recruitment:

The DBT awards DBT-BINC-Junior Research Fellowships (DBT-BINC-JRF) to top 15 BINC qualified Indian nationals in the order of merit pursuing Ph.D. in Indian Institutes/Universities.

Eligibility: Graduate in Science, Agriculture, Veterinary, Medicine, Pharmacy, Engineering & Technology are eligible to appear in the examination. Candidates need not have any formal training viz., certificate, diploma or degree in Bioinformatics. Students in final year of Bachelor's degree are also eligible to apply. International students are also eligible to apply.

Date of Examination: 20-21 February 2010

Last date: 16th January, 2010

For more details Click here